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    HOW I GREW UP 芳的蜡烛

    Liu Yufei, Cen Yi, Li Jiawei

    China, 2022 | 8 min | Animation
    We have many emotions that have not been observed. "I" has a feeling of fear of being doubted by others because of a cup of coffee that has not been thrown away. The whole film revolves around the observation of this emotion. By depicting four trivial things that are growing up, and tracing the reasons for its formation, "I" finally sees the appearance of this emotion.
    Technical specifications
    Liu Yufei, Cen Yi, Li Jiawei
    Liu Yufei, Cen Yi, Li Jiawei
    Liu Yufei, Cen Yi, Li Jiawei
    Liu Yufei, Cen Yi, Li Jiawei
    Liu Yufei, Cen Yi, Li Jiawei
    Liu Yufei, Cen Yi, Li Jiawei
    Ruichao Wu
    Liu Yufei, Cen Yi, Li Jiawei
    Jiajia Li