26th October
Bira Kulturgunea
Basque Cinema and Literature
Basque cinema and literature have enjoyed a relationship for years. We could say this started in 1985, when EiTB set about turning three contemporary Basque novels into films.
Over the last two decades, the proliferation of films in the Basque language has been accompanied by an increase in the number of books taken to the screen. These include the adaptation of Atxaga’s 1985 novel Bi anai (Two Brothers), which was made into a film by Imanol Rayo (2011). Or Anjel Lertxundi’s Zorion perfektua (Perfect Happiness) from 2002, filmed by Jabi Elortegi in 2009. Film versions also emerged of the renowned novels Kutsidazu bidea, Ixabel (Show Me the Way, Isabel), Zeru horiek (Those Skies) and Amaren eskuak (My Mother’s Hands).
And this relationship, far from falling apart, seems to have been given a boost, judging by the interesting projects ongoing at the present time: Elkarrekin esnatzeko ordua (The Time We Wake Up Together) by Kirmen Uribe, Bihotz handiegia (Too Big a Heart) by Eider Rodríguez, Los últimos románticos (The Last Romantics) by Txani Rodriguez and Amek ez dute (Mothers Don’t) by Katixa Agirre are works we will soon be able to enjoy as adaptations for the big screen. In a bid to enjoy a dialogue on this relationship between films and literature, we bring together the directors and the writers, the creators behind this solid relationship between cinema and literature. David Pérez Sañudo, Asier Altuna, Txani Rodríguez and Katixa Agirre will talk about the connections between both worlds, about these voyages of stories, their pros and cons, their joys and frustrations.


Katixa Agirre
Writer, Professor

Asier Altuna
Filmmaker, screenwriter, producer

Filmmaker, screenwriter, producer
Director, guionista, productor