IBAIA – Ikus-Entzunezkoen Euskal Ekoizle Burujabeen Elkartea / The Association of Independent Basque Audiovisual Producers in collaboration with the Association of Navarre Producers NAPAR and the Association of Producers from Nouvelle Aquitaine – Zukugailua have set up the Zinema-Zubiak programme with the aim of encouraging relations and the development of projects between companies and professionals in these regions. Within the framework of the activities that are being held with the help of the Euroregion Nouvelle Aquitaine-Euskadi-Navarra, ZINEBI will host a meeting with the participation of delegates from the three collaborating associations, with the aim of setting up a working table with professionals who wish to develop projects and find alliances in this area.
The ZINEBI activity will include the presentation of recently completed projects from the co-production between various companies in the Euroregion. The experiences regarding the funding, search for co-producers, distribution and so on will be pooled together.
In the second part of the session, the development of individual professional meetings will be promoted to present the projects that are being worked on and that are looking for alliances to develop, fund and distribute them.