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    Views from the Basque Country
    Feature Films

    4 – Alex García de Bikuña


    Gentzane Martinez de Osaba

    In the heart of the Arratia Valley, 13 youngsters will create a musical inspired by renowned Maurizia Aldeiturriaga, an iconic tambourine player who took Basque popular music by storm in the early 20th century. These young musicians, accompanied by three experts in traditional music and under Maurizia’s ever-present influence, will delve into a unique creative process in which they will grow musically to discover their own voices. This is a musical adventure that reveals the transforming power of music and the beauty of nature and tradition.

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    ARANTZAZU-1 – Mikel Serrato Gil

    Arantzazu 36 zm, 5 mende, herri 1 Arantzazu 36 cm, 5 siglos, 1 pueblo

    Pello Sarasua

    The Franciscans have been in Arantzazu for more than 500 years. From their spirituality, they have always had a close relationship with the people. They have also played an important role in the Basque socio-cultural construction and have left us a valuable treasure that we have internalized and consider very much our own. It is necessary to make it known, since it is part of our history and of our being. Arantzazu would not be what it is today without the Basque people, and the Basque people would not be the same without Arantzazu.

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    Arnasa betean, emakume zinegileak A Deep Breath, Women Filmmakers

    Bertha Gaztelumendi, Rosa Zufía

    At last we are starting to hear the voice of women in the cinema industry. We celebrate it with this documentary on the Basque women filmmakers of yesterday and today, giving a global overview of the subject. Three female divers guide us through their films, their points of view, their dreams, their efforts to get somewhere, their contribution to the cinema and to society. We will discover the female pioneers and will be surprised by the work of master women filmmakers and the one of the youngest who are now succeeding in festivals.

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    Foto2MKB – andres lacasta

    Manolo Kabezabolo (Si todavía te kedan dientes es ke no estuviste ahí)

    José Alberto Andrés Lacasta

    Manuel Méndez "Manolo Kabezabolo" is the last punk musician who has transcended space and time becoming a counter-cultural phenomenon with more than 40 years of artistic career, and a referent character of the undeground. His difficult and hilarious youth made him take the leap into squatting philosophy, insumision, the street, the punk’ life style... and also drugs, mental illness and psychiatrits. In spite of everything, his state of serene maturity and his unbribable, combative, uncritical spirit are still intact and with his guitar sharpened.

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    Pizti bat agian (9)

    Pizti bat agian Somewhat Wild

    Ainhoa Gutiérrez del Pozo, Olatz González Abrisketa

    A shot breaks the dusk. Hunters with GPS screens follow their dogs into the forest, and the night catches up with them. Elsewhere, Maina counts her sheep daily. The wolf has been sighted nearby. Adam, fascinated by this apparition, goes out to look for it with his camera, taking advantage of the full moon. Everyone relates to the animal in their own way, but they agree on one thing: they all want to see without being seen.

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    Ilustración sin título

    Wikiemakumeok DOnK

    Mentxu Ramilo Araujo, Marta Macho Stadler, Make Irigoyen Perurena, Marisa Barrena Larruzea, Nerea Uriarte Goitia

    A través de una canción, Wikiemakumeok DOnK visibiliza el proceso del grupo de editoras de Wikipedia recuperando la genealogía de Wikiemakumeok. Estas mujeres cuentan el origen de la iniciativa y qué hacen semanalmente para lograr un equilibrio entre las biografías de mujeres y hombres en Wikipedia, como un camino para conseguir una mayor igualdad en el mundo digital. El relato teje una bonita historia, entre notas y biografías femeninas, con una clara intención divulgativa reflejando la realidad en distintas localidades de Euskadi.

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