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    Banner_Bo_s Forest – Tatiana Skorlupkina

    Bo and Trash

    Tatiana Skorlupkina

    Our planet is choking in garbage. That garbage is transforming into a live embodied force that is invading and upsetting the delicate balance of life on Earth. Bo the dog, a brave chemist, invents a magical solution which can overcome this dreadful monster. Risking his life, Bo sets out to save animals and birds, who in turn come to his rescue.

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    01 – Ivana Esposito

    Chance Change

    Ivana Esposito

    This film aims to raise awareness and tell how Mother Nature has given so much to us human beings but, despite that, we have not known how to love her. We didn’t care for her in the right way, and with our supremacy, we destroyed much of her creation. Given this, she is ready to offer us a chance so that we, curious as children, discover that instead of manipulating her we can guard and protect her by doing good deeds to her.

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    415921_01 – Oscar Planas

    Pig Varken

    Jorn Leeuwerink

    A big group of animals makes itself dependent on a power grid, hooked onto the socket-shaped snout of a single sleeping pig… How long will that last?

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    PLSTC – animated short film by Laen Sanches – generic-topaz-enhance-sharpen-7680 × 4320 – Nina Rebel-Faure


    Laen Sanches

    Welcome to the world of PLSTC, an undersea dystopia that submerges you in the disturbing reality of plastic pollution. Through a series of graphically confronting AI-generated and hand-composited images, this animated film confronts you with the devastating consequences of our habits on marine life and leaves you gasping for breath.

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    Tuempel_Still01 – Lena von doehren

    Pond Tümpel

    Lena von Döhren, Eva Rust

    A shoal of herrings, adopting fantastic formations, roams the vast ocean. When seagulls suddenly attack, one small herring finds itself stranded in a tidal pool. As it searches desperately for a way out, it discovers many other sea creatures here. And now there is no time for fear: only by joining forces can they hope to defend themselves against the hungry seagull.

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    rainboy_002 – Barbara Brunner


    Barbara Brunner

    Rainboy isn't a common gardener. He plants drops and harvests clouds. While working he injures the vain sun. Revenge! The prognosis for the boy is bleak, but he teams up with the clouds and thus manages to brighten the sun's spirits again. A short film about stormy conflicts.

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