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    You Play My Father

    Guillermo Roqués, Javier Marín, Rafael Honrubia

    Spain - USA, 2023 | 26 min | Doc.
    Before an audience of victims in a Bosnian theater, a Srebrenica survivor and a former UN Dutchbat soldier share the stage in a play about the 1995 genocide. It is the final act of their personal catharsis, in search of accountability and forgiveness. It is the culmination of a tense journey through Bosnia-Herzegovina, where fiction, reality and time intersect. Many of those who lost family members stare at the stage waiting for the curtain to open.
    Technical specifications
    Guillermo Roqués, Javier Marín, Rafael Honrubia
    Guillermo Roqués, Javier Marín, Rafael Honrubia
    Toni Vidal
    Fabio P. Sorrell
    Adis Bazdarevic, Diego Pedragosa
    Carlota Coloma
    15L FILMS
    15L FILMS