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    Marta Codesido, Núria Ubach

    Perhaps not all the people in the film are satisfied with their eyebrows, but all of them certainly have something to say. Todas las cejas que conocemos [All the eyebrows we know] features more than 20 people with traumas and anecdotes about their eyebrows. One of them is a woman who lost her eyebrows in a ludicrous accident, and a man whose nervousness leads him to rip them off.
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    Marta Codesido, Núria Ubach
    Marta Codesido, Núria Ubach

    Marta Codesido
    (Izarra, 1998)

    Degree in Audiovisual Communication from the University of Mondragón. Master’s in Creative Documentary from UAB University, where she co-directed the documentary short film Les més grans (2023), and took the Audience Silver Biznaga Award for best documentary short film at the Málaga Festival. She has worked as production tutor on the Creative Documentary Master’s course (UAB).

    Núria Ubach (Barcelona, 1995)

    Degree in Audiovisual Communication from the University of Vic. Master’s in Creative Documentary from UAB University, where she co-directed the documentary short film Les més grans (2023), and took the Audience Silver Biznaga Award for best documentary short film at the Málaga Festival. She has worked in the production field on a number of projects.
