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    Iñigo Gaya Noriega

    Basque Country, 2023 | 2 min | Ani.
    Come and get lost in Gomorra, a bustling, colourful world, and harsh and savage too, where only the strongest survive. In this rugged world with its changing backdrops you have to tread very carefully indeed, because it's eat or be eaten around here, and your next step could be your last. Keep your eyes wide open to take stock of the many and varied fauna and flora around Gomorra, and allow all your senses to enjoy its scenarios brimming over with life. What crazy creatures await you? Will they be harmless? Probably not.
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    Iñigo Gaya Noriega
    Iñigo Gaya Noriega
    Iñigo Gaya Noriega
    Iñigo Gaya Noriega