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    Plena Pausa

    Iván Zulueta

    Spain, 2023 | 70 min | Musicalized Film
    J, leader of the band Los Planetas and a declared fan of Iván Zulueta, will be presenting the Basque Country premiere of “Plena pausa”, the musicalisation project for part of the Gipuzkoa director's film archives, and his first solo work, accompanied live by Srta. Trueno Negro, Miguel Martín, Roberto Escudero, Miguel López and Jaime Stinus.
    All film material by Iván Zulueta is unchanged, just as it was found in the archives acquired by Filmoteca Española, with the exception of some excerpts from Películas familiares which form part of the archives, but were not shot by Zulueta and were edited for the occasion by filmmaker Andrés Duque.
    Technical specifications
    Iván Zulueta
    J., Srta. Trueno Negro, Miguel Martín, Roberto Escudero, Miguel López, Jaime Stinus