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    Black Bach Artsakh

    Ayreen Anastas, Rene Gabri

    Armenia, 2021 | 150 min | Performance
    Black Bach Artsakh is the name of a world which lives as a film. It re-members events from a place called Artsakh, year 2007. Thirteen years after the 1994 cessation of hostilities in the struggle for self-determination by Nagorno-Karabakh’s Armenian inhabitants. Thirteen years before the 2020 invasion by Azerbaijan’s dictatorship. In September 2023, after a 10 month-blockade and second invasion, Artsakh has been ethnically cleansed of its indigenous Armenians.

    Thus to view this film is not only to inhabit this world, but to keep it alive by keeping watch over it. More than resisting the makers of war or the deniers of genocide, it’s a film which outlives them.
    Technical specifications
    Ayreen Anastas, Rene Gabri