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    Gentzane Martinez de Osaba

    Basque Country, 2023 | 95 min | Doc.
    In the heart of the Arratia Valley, 13 youngsters will create a musical inspired by renowned Maurizia Aldeiturriaga, an iconic tambourine player who took Basque popular music by storm in the early 20th century. These young musicians, accompanied by three experts in traditional music and under Maurizia’s ever-present influence, will delve into a unique creative process in which they will grow musically to discover their own voices. This is a musical adventure that reveals the transforming power of music and the beauty of nature and tradition.
    Technical specifications
    Gentzane Martinez de Osaba
    Gentzane Martinez de Osaba
    Eukeni Arriortua
    Xabier Zabala A
    Miguel Ramírez
    Iraide Ansorena, Carlos Sagi
    Amets Bilbao, Borja Vendrell, Carla Riba, Carlos Sagi, Garazi Pacheco, Júlia Boada, Hekthor Viñas, Iraide Ansorena, Laiene Rekalde, Uxue Kerejeta, Naroa López, Nuria Durán, Nuria Gómez, Maite Bernaola, Miren Bernaola, Naroa Gaintza, Oriol Esteve, Xenia Barberá
    Alejandro García de Vicuña, Carlos Iglesias
    Marmoka Films, Bideografik Ekoizpenak