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    Aloha #2

    Aloha (65 min)

    Almost ten years after the last footage of the previous programme, this session studies Villa Aloha, the Zulueta family's mansion and an essential feature of the filmmaker's universe, located on Paseo del Duque de Baena, with spectacular views of San Sebastián's bay.

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    Las películas de Consuelo y Antonio #1

    Las películas de Consuelo y Antonio (66 min)

    Films by Consuelo Vergarajauregui Ubarrechena and Antonio de Zulueta y Besson, Iván Zulueta's parents (including their honeymoon, boat trips in the Cantabrian Sea, footage from the San Sebastián International Film Festival with Kirk Douglas, and family footage), and finally one of Iván's first short films.

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    Las celebraciones de la carne #1

    La celebración de la carne (70 min)

    If Zulueta's queer sensitivities have occasionally been highlighted, this programme contains a number of encounters with sexuality in its many and varied manifestations.

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