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    MY SMALL LAND マイスモールランド

    Emma Kawawada

    Japan - France, 2022 | 114 min | Fic.
    For Sarya (17), a Kurdish refugee girl in Japan, life seems to be looking up: her grades at school are enough to pursue college, she’s surrounded with good friends and her relationship with Sota is becoming special. Sarya’s life becomes upside down, however, when she learns that her family’s refugee status is turned down, restricting her family of work and traveling across the city. Her father, who had continued to work to sustain a living, is taken into custody for illegal employment. Sarya is now suddenly forced into a situation where she is responsible not only for her younger siblings but for her very existence.
    Technical specifications
    Emma Kawawada
    Emma Kawawada
    Hidetoshi Shinomiya
    Shinichi Fushima
    Hyeonsun Seo
    Roth Bart Baron
    Lina Arashi, Daiken Okudaira, Arash Kahafi Zadeh, Lilly Kahafi Zadeh, Lion Kahafi Zadeh, Kan Hanae, Shunya Itabashi, Oolongta Yoshida, Ryo Ikeda, Kentaro Tamura