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    Oliver, the Giant Oliver az óriás

    Júlia Lantos

    Hungary, 2023 | 8 min | Ani.
    Oliver, the Giant lives on a little planet. In his perception, the whole world is his playground, where he can do what he wants. While he is living his trivial life, the little humans become preoccupied with another matter of greatest importance: building a sun clock so they can connect with the universe. This fully disturbs Oliver's life. Starting with the growling sound of the universe, the appearance of a big shadow, he recognize his own pettiness.
    Technical specifications
    Júlia Lantos
    Júlia Lantos
    Judit Czakó
    Csaba Kalotás
    Csaba Kalotás
    Balázs Csillag, Zoltán Debreczeni, Júlia Lantos, Noé Albert Neszvecskó, Paulina Offenbächer, Nikoletta Páli, Márton Radics, Szilvia Séra, Anita Kühnel Szabó, Quan Pham Van, Nikoletta Veress
    Mónika Mécs
    Budapest Metropolitan University