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    Ready Ετοιμοι

    Eirini Vianelli

    Greece - Belgium, 2023 | 11 min | Ani.
    In the Greek Parliament, politicians, police officers and janitors deal with boredom and antagonistic co-workers. The historic building is weighing them down with its inescapable, rich, Greek history, as they try to navigate their existential anxiety. Power games make tensions rise coercing them to act like children, leaving them feeling left out, sour and bruised. But through an act of kindness, the surroundings disappear. Music will help them become honest, earnest and vulnerable. Music will set them free before it’s too late, hopefully.
    Technical specifications
    Eirini Vianelli
    Eirini Vianelli
    Christina Moumouri
    Lambis Charalambidis
    Nikos Konstantinou
    The Boy
    Danae Spathara, Dries Phylpo
    Heretic, Private View