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    Solo la luna comprenderá The Moon Will Contain Us

    Kim Torres

    Costa Rica - USA, 2023 | 18 min | Doc.
    When a magical moon appears in the twilight, a number of time lines intertwine in the village of Manzanillo on Costa Rica's Caribbean coast. The gazes of the young people and the adults combine and clash in a story in which the village is able to exist just as it is: simultaneously beautiful and forgotten, mysterious and monotonous. Like a dream or a memory, combining the documentary style with science fiction, this story conducts a search into the complexities of what it means to grow up in a place like Manzanillo.
    Technical specifications
    Kim Torres
    Kim Torres, Julieta Seco, Mandarava Bricaire, Pietro Bulgarelli
    Pietro Bulgarelli
    Julieta Seco, Kim Torres
    Thomas Becka
    Carlos Bergen Dyck
    (narrador) Joel Arthurs Campbell, Dichan Brown Goodman, Fiorella Nahomi Será Bonilla, Luna Oporta López
    Mandarava Bricaire
    Lights On