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    Arnasa betean, emakume zinegileak A Deep Breath, Women Filmmakers

    Bertha Gaztelumendi, Rosa Zufía

    Basque Country , 2023 | 75 min | Doc.
    At last we are starting to hear the voice of women in the cinema industry. We celebrate it with this documentary on the Basque women filmmakers of yesterday and today, giving a global overview of the subject. Three female divers guide us through their films, their points of view, their dreams, their efforts to get somewhere, their contribution to the cinema and to society. We will discover the female pioneers and will be surprised by the work of master women filmmakers and the one of the youngest who are now succeeding in festivals.
    Technical specifications
    Bertha Gaztelumendi, Rosa Zufía
    Bertha Gaztelumendi, Rosa Zufía
    Heidi Otaduy, Rubén Crespo
    Amaia Merino
    Maitane Carballo
    Olatz Salvador, Borja Antón
    Erea López, Lara Larrañaga, Ainhoa Incognito
    Kim Maiteny, Belén Moreno, Sonia Uribe, Leire Arzuaga
    Tentazioa Produkzioak
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