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    What Doesn’t Float

    Luca Balser

    USA, 2023 | 69 min | Fic.
    Seven stories. One city. A disparate group of characters fill out this darkly comedic anthology of New Yorkers at their wits’ end. When the dailiness of urban life is suspended by an unforeseen conflict, each character must make a decision. While the outcomes vary, a unified sense of the city emerges: New York becomes a mirror to the ego, reflecting our true character, while the rest sink to the bottom.
    Technical specifications
    Luca Balser
    Shauna Fitzgerald
    Matt Clegg, Charlotte Dupré, Sean Price Williams, Hunter Zimny
    Luca Balser
    Boris Krichevsky
    Luca Balser, Samuel Weissberg
    Pauline Chalamet, Larry Fessenden, Roger Howarth
    Pauline Chalamet
    Gummy Films
    Circle Collective